Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Kimmy gives a whole new meaning to the word serve

Olympic silver medalist Kim Willoughby pleaded not guilty to a charge of first-degree assault in connection with a December 16, 2006 incident. The All-American volleyball player allegedly followed Sara Daniel out of the Pipeline CafĂ© in Honolulu and assaulted Ms. Daniel so severely that she suffered bone fractures from the attack. Ms. Willoughby’s lawyer categorical denies that accusation and claims that instead Kim was just trying to defend herself.

The charge of first degree assault carries a maximum of 10 years in prison.

Unfortunately, this is not Kimmy’s first brush with the law. In 2001, she was charged with domestic abuse and entered deferred guilty pleas to one count of abuse of a household member and one count of third degree assault. After writing a letter and completing her court-ordered community service the charges were dropped. Too bad there weren’t also court-ordered anger management classes, because it seems like girlfriend has some serious issues with controlling her rage.

Watch out Kim, because the popo are on your tail.
(Photo: Kaleo; source)

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